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Giftedness Overview

Volunteer opportunities are never in short supply at a church. The challenging part of filling these positions is trying to match people to a job that creates enjoyment and fulfillment. It's not hard to guess that a volunteer who is happy in a position will stay in the position longer than one who is not!

Giftedness assessments are normally conducted for individuals either as a result of a series of classes or test results. These assessments typically tell a person how he was uniquely designed by God with talents, skills, and abilities.

Giftedness programs are often used at churches to match volunteers with opportunities that match their God-given abilities, talents, and skills. This can be a daunting process for both small and large churches because both volunteer opportunities and individuals must be assessed and then matched.

Fellowship One includes Giftedness functionality to help with the assessment and matching process. Configuration tools are available to work with any giftedness program whether it be a popular, commercial program or a custom program developed by your church.

The following three steps are needed to configure and assess giftedness: